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thermal evolution中文是什么意思

用"thermal evolution"造句"thermal evolution"怎么读"thermal evolution" in a sentence


  • 热演化


  • Thermal evolution in tiandong depression , baise basin
  • Application of easy ro model to the research of thermal evolution in binbei
  • A quantitative model of heat production by faulting and its effect on thermal evolution of hydrocarbon source rocks
  • Discussion on thermal evolution and secondary hydrocarbon generation of organic matter from upper paleozoic coal measures in northern china
  • Discussion on thermal evolution and secondary hydrocarbon generation of organic matter from upper paleozoic coal measures in huabei area
  • Abundant non - chemical bond association interactions are existed in fanzhi brown coal and the association interactions will change in the thermal evolution
  • Biomarker has a wide application in the research of petroleum geology , such as different types of organics thermal evolution , ancient sediments ' environment and so on
  • Starting from the study of geologic background of carboniferous - permian organic mass thermal evolution in south huabei area , a study is conducted on the genesis of thermal evolution of organic mass
  • There are several aspects in galactic evolution , such as dynamicas evolution , chemical evolution and thermal evolution , etc . they provide reasonable explaination of the formation and evolution of galaxies in different facets
  • Consequently , heat conduction along the magnetic field lines on the surface of a magnetar is far more efficient than the heat conduction perpendicular to the magnetic field lines . this may lead to a profound effect on the thermal evolution as well as the shape of the x - ray pulse of a magnetar
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"thermal evolution"造句  


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